September fishin' conditions 

Wishin' for some fishin'? No worries, we've got this week's fishing report ready for you: Temps will hover with highs in the mid-70s and lows in the upper 30s so the ideal time for catch will be early morning to late evening. Lakes have had a good turnout for fish so choose your fishing destinations carefully! And when you do hit the waters, remember to fish deep, the fish in Mammoth love the colder waters.

Here are some fishin' conditions:
Mammoth Lakes Basin: Fish are pretty deep. You can fish from the shore, but will have better luck out in the tube.

Crowley Lake: Some luck along the north arm and six bays, but stay away from McGee. No luck there.

Hot Creek: Creeks and streams have in generally slowed down in catch turnout, but you can surely find some hoppers.

Upper Owens River: Water here has cooled and is fairly clear, some big caddis hanging around before the winds start.

San Joaquin River: Waters have shallowed so fishing is week. Hoping for some better conditions in the winter!

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3 Best Mammoth Restaurants 

Fine dining is an art. Both cooking and eating it! One must be in a meditative mindset in which the taste buds are wide open and the spirit is looking to be fed. So, without further ado, here are three of Mammoth's finest eating establishments:

1) Breakfast Club
Yes, like the movie. This quaint little establishment on Main St. is a gem. And don't be fooled by its subtlety, inside its doors waft the delectable smells of bacon and biscuits. And every dish is served in a hearty portion!

2) The Mogul
Log cabin on the inside, party on the inside. Not only does this joint have crazy good happy hour specials, but its got thick enough cuts of Porterhouse and filet to leave your mouth watering even once you're out of there!

3) Mountainside Bar & Grill

Perfect for family-friendly dining or for a casual date, this chalet-style dining establishment is located just at the base of the mountain and boasts a lovely deck where you can enjoy the fresh mountain temperatures.

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3 of Mammoth's best hikes 

Getting in touch with the elements is more than just stepping outside for a breath of fresh air, it's wandering out onto the dirt terrain where it's you and the wildlife.

Ok, maybe that's a little extreme. But still, Mammoth has some pretty rad hikes. So here are our three faves.

1. Earthquake Fault Trail (0.2 mi)

Go ahead, give yourself a good scare. Make yourself feel like a daredevil just for BEING in California. Though this hike is no relief to the buzz about "The Big One", the fissure gives you a neat little inside look at the impact of earthquakes in the area and also makes for a pretty gnarly picnic spot.

2. Sherwin Lakes Trail (3 mi)
Though a little steeper than other trails in the area, it's definitely worth it. Meander through the aspen groves and poke through the different wildflowers around. This hike is also a great treat for birdwatchers.

3. Uptown Mountain Bike Trail (1.4 mi)
Test your endurance on this trail for dedicated cross-country riders. Although a bit of a climb, it's a kick when you get to coast your way back downhill to the trailhead.

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Full Moon Party! 

Photo by Boris Batchiyski

Ah, there's nothing like being in awe over a moonlit mountain range. That's why, on August 29, Mammoth Mountain is hosting the 11,053' Full Moon party.

Just hop on the Panorama Gondola to the top of the mountain at twilight to watch the sunset and, then, the moonrise. Then, you can enjoy the view and moonlight with drinks, food, and glowstick walk to the Lakes Basin Overlook.

Regular tickets run for $25 and are free for kids 12 and under.

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5 Road Trip Music Must-haves 

One must never underestimate the power of bad harmonies and classic tunes when on the highway to an unknown destination. And, anybody whose ever been to California or made the drive to Mammoth knows that its varying landscapes merit a jam session, especially when you're trapped in a tiny car bopping along through one of the country's largest states. So, here are some songs you need to have saved on your phone before you start your ride:

5) I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) by The Proclaimers

There's no denying the hyped and Scottish charm of the Proclaimers. If you're a bunch of dudes getting ready for a weekend of skiing, remember your favorite ladies back home with this great tune.

4) Life is a Highway by Tom Cochrane

Maybe it's cheesy, maybe it reminds you too much of the movie "Cars", but I'll be darned if this song isn't just one enormous, corny, truthful metaphor about life.

3) Hotel California by The Eagles

How are you going to NOT do any air guitar solos throughout your entire ride? That just wouldn't be ride. Hotel California is a hauntingly beautiful song that'll make you feel sad, grateful, and nostalgic all at once.

2) I've Been Everywhere by Johnny Cash

It's a long ride, might as well learn these quick lyrics and (simultaneously!) plan a great cross country road trip. "Glen Rock, Black Rock, Little Rock, Oskaloosa."

1) Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen

Oh, come on! No explanation need. Master your four-part harmony and sing the best tune of all time, over and over and over again.

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